Activation Level 3 (Monitor) – Lowest level of activation
Level 3: Watch issued/Severe weather possible
This is an informal discussion net led by the NCO. Operational plans are announced occasionally, but there is no controlled net. Use this to prepare spotters and net operations for escalation to Level 2 or Level 1 net.
Secure a safe operating location.
Log in to NWS Chat application.
NCO announces SKYWARN traffic on frequency following the Level 3 script.
Pertinent sections of the AFD or watch statements are read over the air to inform and activate spotters.
Spotter callout via mass notification system or other means is appropriate.
Initial tactical assignments are made (monitoring locations, radar watch, relay operators, etc.).
NCO or assigned operator monitors reports for elevation of watches to warnings, and changes the net to Level 2 or Level 1.
Repeater links to watch areas may be established.
SKYWARN Level 3 Script
"This is (insert call sign), a National Weather Service SKYWARN Station with an update on weather conditions as issued by the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Las Vegas."
(Insert Weather Bulletin here)
"We ask that all SKYWARN stations monitor this frequency and report significant changes in weather conditions. Should severe weather conditions develop, a controlled SKYWARN net will be activated."
(Optional: "Are there any SKYWARN stations monitoring the frequency at this time?")
"This is (insert call sign), a National Weather Service SKYWARN Station, clear at (insert time)."