Activation Level 2 (ELEVATED) – MIDDLE level of activation
Level 2: Warning issued/Severe weather imminent
This is an informal but controlled net. Gathering spotter reports is the main objective. Other traffic on frequency is allowed but should go through the NCO.
Monitor developing conditions and pay close attention to NWS Chat.
NCO announces SKYWARN traffic on frequency following Level 2 script
Spotter check-ins are taken with call sign and spotter number (if available).
Tactical assignments given as needed for the situation.
NWS issued warnings are read over the air every 5-10 minutes.
Radar statement is given every 5-10 minutes, if appropriate.
Initial spotter reports are relayed by telephone or NWS Chat (this may trigger Level 1 activation).
SKYWARN Level 2 Net OPENING Script
"This is [call sign] SKYWARN Net Control. This SKYWARN Net is conducted by local amateur radio operators and seeks reports of severe weather observations in the surrounding areas for the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Las Vegas. We are activating a SKYWARN Level 2 Weather Net because of severe weather conditions today. SKYWARN Net Control reminds the amateur radio spotters to avoid flooded areas and other hazardous weather conditions."
"At this time SKYWARN is opening a Level 2 non-exclusive directed net. This means that all traffic on frequency must go through the net control station, but casual traffic will be allowed by net control between stations on frequency. We ask however that all traffic on this frequency be short to allow for priority weather related and emergency traffic."
"The National Weather Service requests reports of the following severe storm activity."
"Rainfall amounts of 1/4" inch or more in a 1/2 hour."
"Any storm producing heavy flooding rain, or flooding conditions away from the storm location."
"Tornado or funnel clouds."
"Thunderstorms with high winds or frequent cloud to ground lightning."
"Hail, with size estimates for larger stones."
"Wind speeds of 40 mph or greater, and how it was obtained."
"Any kind of weather related damage."
"Visibility of less than ½ mile caused by anything."
"Please relay only the previously stated weather observation criteria unless otherwise directed by SKYWARN Net Control."
"Would all SKYWARN stations on frequency please check in with Net Control at this time."
(Take net check-ins at this time.)
"Please remember to check-out of the net with net control when leaving the net."
"This is [call sign] SKYWARN Net Control."
[Please read this section every 20 minutes]
"This is [call sign] SKYWARN Net Control. SKYWARN is currently operating a Level 2 non-exclusive directed net to report severe weather observations to the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Las Vegas. This means that all traffic on frequency must go through the net control station, but casual traffic will be allowed by net control between stations on frequency."
"Please keep all radio traffic short and concise. Break into the net at any time with emergency or priority traffic."
"The National Weather Service requests reports of the following severe storm activity:"
"Rainfall amounts of 1/4" inch or more in an hour."
"Any storm producing heavy flooding rain, or flooding conditions away from the storm location."
"Tornado or funnel clouds."
"Thunderstorms with high winds or frequent cloud to ground lightning."
"Hail, with size estimates for larger stones."
"Wind speeds of 40 mph or greater, and how it was obtained."
"Any kind of weather related damage."
"Please relay only the significant weather observation criteria unless otherwise directed by SKYWARN Net Control."
Would any additional SKYWARN stations who have not previously checked into the net please check in now by calling net control.
Please remember to check out of the net with net control when leaving the net.
"This is [call sign] SKYWARN Net Control."
SKYWARN Level 2 Net CLOSING Script
"This is [call sign] SKYWARN Net Control"
"This SKYWARN Net has been conducted by local amateur radio operators, seeking reports of severe weather observations in the surrounding areas for the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Las Vegas."
"At this time, the severe weather conditions have dissipated and the SKYWARN Weather Net will be closed. We thank all amateurs who have participated by supplying their timely reports in the requested format."
"This is [call sign] SKYWARN Net Control, closing the net, and returning the repeater back to its normal amateur use."